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Melissa L. Barber
Member, Education Law Practice Leader
Melissa L. Barber’s practice is based in our Boulder office. Before joining Caplan & Earnest, Melissa served as general counsel for the Boulder Valley School District. For over 12 years in that position, Melissa was responsible for administering and overseeing the overall legal functions for the eighth largest school district in Colorado. Melissa has extensive experience resolving complex issues within a political and public environment, using a practical and collaborative approach whenever possible. To Caplan & Earnest’s Education Law practice, she brings over 25 years of experience in legal and policy compliance matters, including special education, Constitutional issues, discipline and school safety, employment law, contracts, inter-governmental agreements, student data privacy, open meetings and records, parliamentary procedure, charter schools, insurance/risk management, elections, and staff training. She has represented school districts before the federal and state trial and appellate courts, State Board of Education, Office for Civil Rights, EEOC and CCRD.
Melissa enjoys time with her family, reading, trail running, skiing, and equestrian pursuits.
- Cornell University Law School, J.D.
- University of Texas at Austin, B.A.
Special Honors, Philosophy
Professional Credentials & Activities
- Boulder Bar Association, Member
- Colorado Bar Association, Member
- Colorado Council of School Board Attorneys, Chair, 2015
- NSBA Council of School Attorneys, Board Member, 2016-2020
Past Experience
- Boulder Valley School District, Legal Counsel
- Semple, Miller, Mooney & Farrington, P.C., Associate
- Office of the Colorado Attorney General, Employment Section, Assistant Attorney General
Seminars & Presentations
- Annual Legal Update to BVSD School Administrators (2006-2018)
- “Seeking Counsel: Risky Business,” American School Board Journal, April 2018
- “School Employee Access to Free and Reduced Price Meal Eligibility Status,” Inquiry & Analysis, NSBA Council of School Attorneys, January 2010
- Frequent presenter/panelist to school administrators and school lawyers on a variety of education law topics, including discrimination, special education, school safety, student data privacy, bullying, and free speech.