The Caplan & Earnest Education Law practice group is excited to announce it awarded Greenhouse…
New Colorado Law Allows School Boards to Meet Virtually
With the recent passage of Colorado HB20-1301 (Electronic Attendance in School District Board Meetings), school board members may attend school board meetings electronically without the necessity of having a quorum physically present if they can hear each other and members of the public. School boards desiring to avail themselves of this legislative change should update their meetings policy accordingly. Please contact us if you would like assistance in revising your policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges in Colorado and across the country, and that includes for school districts. We are actively monitoring legislation, executive orders, and resources related to the pandemic so that we can help board members and educators navigate the rapidly changing landscape and transition to distance learning. If you are not already in touch with one of our attorneys and would like to reach us for guidance, email is the best way to contact us.