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Caplan & Earnest is synonymous with education legal services.

We started working with education clients more than 40 years ago, and over that time, Caplan & Earnest’s Education Law practice group has grown to be the largest in the state.

Our experience and diverse client base allow us to pool information and resources, so that legal services are provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner. In fact, we support more than half the school districts in the state with a wide range of legal counsel and support services, from providing legal opinions on topics such as special education and risk management, to defending school districts in litigation, to even serving as outsourced general counsel.

We have earned a national reputation for our work in the area of education law, and have been involved in several landmark legal decisions that have helped shape public education statewide. We represent both large urban and small rural school districts, boards of cooperative education services and other local education agencies.

If you would like to know more about our Education Law services, please contact:
Melissa Barber

Melissa Barber
Phone: 303-443-8010

We Resolve Issues Quickly

In addition to general school board representation, our attorneys have extensive experience in:

  • School finance
  • Employment law
  • Constitutional law
  • Charter school management
  • Election issues
  • Special education
  • Section 504/ADA compliance
  • Student discipline
  • Real estate acquisitions and construction
  • Risk management
  • School-related litigation
  • Appellate work

Our index of legal opinions that covers hundreds of issues minimizes research time and costs for clients, and our approach to each district is unique, given that we tailor solutions to each client’s goals and priorities.

Keeping School Officials Current

Our attorneys are available for, and frequently provide, in-service trainings for board members, administrators and staff. Recent trainings have addressed:

  • The fundamentals and nuances of school board authority and responsibility
  • Compliance with open meeting/open records laws
  • Investigating allegations of employee misconduct
  • Crisis prevention, response and recovery
  • Use and abuse of social media
  • Student restraint aand seclusion
  • Student discipline, including discipline for students with disabilities
  • Section 504 requirements
  • IDEA basics and high conflict meetings

Value-Added Services

We offer clients our perspective and analysis, with updates on relevant legislative and legal matters. We host roundtable discussions and professional development seminars, including webinars, that help busy school administrators gather relevant legal information efficiently, and we are frequently asked to present at key educational conferences.

Whether you are a district seeking counsel, or in-house counsel seeking support in a specialty area, our team is ready to assist you in your efforts to establish or manage agreements, remain compliant or defend or initiate litigation.

Masterminds Professional Development Series

Special Education and Section 504 Administrators have tremendous influence on the experiences of families, students with disabilities, and fellow educators. Carrying this responsibility well allows you drive meaningful results for your teams and students, and we have the program designed to help you realize your potential, month over month, throughout the entire school year. Join emerging leaders throughout Colorado to increase your productivity, capacity, and connection as part of the Caplan & Earnest Masterminds Program.

  • Learn the weak points in structures and procedures that expose teams to legal disputes
  • Share real-world challenges and concerns
  • Hear and understand different viewpoints
  • Define, refine, and recommit to your priorities
  • Form connections with bright and dedicated leaders just like you

2025 Presidents' Leadership Caucus

Caplan & Earnest cordially invites all presidents of locally elected boards of education to join the 2025 Presidents’ Leadership Caucus, a unique learning forum for presidents to exchange insights with one another while receiving specialized training from seasoned Caplan & Earnest attorneys. A forum open only to school board presidents, the Leadership Caucus offers the ideal format for practical professional learning.

Upcoming Lecture: Legal Limits on Student Expression in Today’s Polarized Environment

Join Caplan & Earnest attorneys Gwyneth Whalen and Sam Jones-Rogers for a virtual discussion about the constitutional limits on student expression on Jan. 29, 2025, from 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Can schools legally ban controversial messages on t-shirts? Are you implementing the student dress code without violating students’ First Amendment rights?  

Join the Caplan & Earnest team and other school leaders online for answers to these questions and more.

$150 per person.
Please contact Tina Williams to discuss group rates.

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